Τhe Dutch TEAK OIL, well known for its marine applications, offers outstanding maintenance and protection of hard wood such as teak, mahogany, rosewood etc., which has been exposed to weather or extensive use conditions. The unique blend of oils has a deep penetrating ability into the wood grain. It extends the life of teak and other wood by replacing the natural oils taken away by exposure to weather conditions and sunlight. It offers a clear oiled appearance, enhancing the natural beauty of wood, while preventing graying and staining.
- TEAK OIL is the most friendly and effective protection for hardwood
- Excellent penetration
- Resists cracking or peeling
- Prevents graying and staining
- Restores the original appearance of wood
- Ensures the longevity of teak and other hardwoods
- Easy application
- Marine applications (boat decks etc.)
- Maintenance of garden furniture.
- Maintenance of any kind of unvarnished wooden furniture that has been dried out by central heating and dry atmospheres
- Treatment of any kind of wooden surface with a natural look finish.
10 - 14 m2/Lt
by brush
by spray gun
Touch dry:
3 hours 20oC
Hard dry:
24 hours 20oC
Exterior use
Interior use
Application temperature:
10oC - 35oC
with white spirit or brush solvent
Instructions for use
Surface preparation
- Timber is normally pre-treated with wood preserver to prevent decay. If using unpreserved timber, treat with XYLOFARM and allow drying for 3 - 5 days before applying TEAK OIL.
- Surfaces should be clean, dry and free from surface coatings, algae and mould. For best results, brush to remove dust and debris, then clean surfaces with TEAK CLEANER to bring back the natural colour of the wood. Rinse well and allow drying.
- Sand wood if needed to a smooth finish and remove dust.
- If the teak was previously sealed with a film forming finish such as varnish or enamel paint, the finish must be completely removed with paint stripper STRIPP N’ CLEAN.
- In order to avoid staining it is advisable to cover floor with plastic protection.
- Shake can well before and frequently during use.
- Apply TEAK OIL evenly by brush, roller or spray for large areas avoiding splashing the surrounding area.
- Apply a second coat depending on the desirable degree of protection. Wait at least 8 hours before recoating.
- Severely bleached or dried out teak may require 3 - 4 coats of TEAK OIL.
- Do not allow the formation of puddles.
- Close containers tightly after use and store in cool storage conditions.
Drying time: touch dry 2-4 hours depending on weather conditions. Allow at least 24 hours before heavy use. Avoid walking on decks until fully dry.
WARNING: Treatment of old surfaces such as dry sanding, flame cutting and/or welding of the dry paint film will give rise to dust and/or hazardous fumes. Lead dust may be released. Lead is toxic. Exposure to lead dust can cause serious illness. Wet sanding/flatting should be used wherever possible. If exposure cannot be avoided by the provision of local exhaust ventilation, suitable respiratory protective equipment should be used.