PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC is a one component, liquid-applied, waterproofing material based on acrylic resins and special natural thermo insulating fibers. Provides excellent resistance to weather conditions as well as thermo insulating properties. It is suitable for weatherproofing old and new building surfaces. Forms an elastic seamless vapor permeable membrane without joints with excellent resistance to moisture as well as high temperatures and UV rays.
- Elastic, seamless, vapor permeable membrane without joints
- Excellent elasticity
- Thermo insulating properties
- Highly reflective to sun UV rays offering thermo insulation advantages
- Superior adhesion on most building surfaces
- Maintains its mechanical properties over a temperature span of -20oC to +80oC
- Excellent resistance to water & ageing
- Bridges small joints – gaps
- The waterproofed surface can be walked on
- User and environmentally friendly - waterbased
- Easy to apply (one component – ready to use material)
- Waterproofing of rooftops and terraces
- Waterproofing of gutters, domes, cornices, ondulated panels, flowerbeds, planter boxes etc.
- Waterproofing bitumen and polyurethane hard foam surfaces
- Suitable for concrete surfaces, bitumen material, wood, stone, brickwork, PVC, polyurethane foam, plaster, plasterboard, metal etc.
1 - 2 m2/Lt
10 - 20% with clean water
by brush
by roller
by spray gun
Light pedestrian traffic time:
18 hours 20oC
Final Curing time:
7 days 20oC
Exterior use
Application temperature:
10oC - 35oC
with water
Instructions for use
Substrate preparation
Careful surface preparation is very important for optimum finish and durability.
- The surface needs to be clean, dry, sound and free of any contamination that may harmfully affect the adhesion of the membrane.
- Maximum substrate moisture content should not exceed 5%.
- New concrete structures need to dry for at least 28 days.
- Old, loose coatings, dirt, fats, oils, organic substances and dust need to be removed by mechanical means such as a sanding machine. Possible surface irregularities need to be smoothened.
- Remove efflorescence with PGP CLEAN & FREE.
Repair of cracks
The careful sealing of existing cracks and joints before the application is extremely important for long lasting waterproofing results.
- Clean cracks and hairline cracks, from dust, residues or other contamination.
- Cracks and joints larger than 2 – 3mm must be primed locally with solvent based primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR, or waterbased primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR AQUA and allow drying. Fill all prepared cracks with elastomeric acrylic filler.
- Bigger cracks and expansion joins must be primed locally with polyurethane primer PRIMER PU 900 and filled with polyurethane sealant BONDFLEX.
- Small cracks up to 2 – 3mm must be primed locally with solvent based primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR, or waterbased primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR AQUA and allow drying. Apply locally one coat of PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC and on the wet coat dip a fibre net (30gr/m2) or fibre tape (60gr/m2) 4 - 10cm wide and recoat with PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC.
- Prime absorbent surfaces like concrete, cement screed, wood with solvent based primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR, or waterbased primer ISOCRYL PRIMER DUR AQUA. Allow drying for 2 – 4 hours.
- Prime non-porous or difficult surfaces (metal, ceramic tiles, plastics) with ADHESIL PRIMER.
- Stir product well before use.
- Poor the PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC diluted 10 – 20% with clean water onto the primed surface and spread it using a roller or brush, until all surface is covered. You can use airless spray allowing a considerable saving on labour cost. Allow drying for 6 – 18 hours
- Apply a second layer of PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC crossways to the first layer, diluted up to max 5%.
- For extra protection or were required a third layer may be applied.
- Surfaces can be walked on at least after 48 hours. New treated surfaces exhibit a tackiness at the beginning, which disappears in due time.
- Application of PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC must be avoided at temperatures below 8oC and above 35oC and when frost or rain is expected.
RECOMMENDATION: We recommend reinforcement of the entire surface, with the fibre cloth. Use 5-10cm stripe overlapping. If PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC is applied without the fibre cloth reinforcement we recommend a three-layer application.
ATTENTION: Do not apply PGP DRYPROOF FIBRATED ELASTIC over 0.5 mm thickness (dry film) per layer. For best results, the temperature during application and curing should be between 5oC and 35oC. Low temperatures delay curing while high temperatures speed up curing. High humidity may affect the final finish.