BORAX is white crystalline borium salt, ideal for deoxidation and cleaning metals like iron, copper, bronze, lead and zinc.
- Dissolves metallic oxides offering clean surface for welding
- It is necessary for copper – pipe welding
- Acts as a corrosion inhibitor, protecting the sensitive welding points
- Cleans and degreases metallic surfaces
- Reassures excellent and long-lasting weld adhesion
- Reinforces welding using copper or phosphorus rods on copper pipes, bronze pipes and other iron-like metals.
- Acts as a corrosion inhibitor against metal oxidation, reassuring long-lasting protection of the weld.
- When dissolved in water at about 4%, it provides a degreasing solution for metallic surfaces.
2gr for welding 10 cm in length.
for degreasing 40gr BORAX in 1Lt clean lukewarm water
Application temperature:
10oC - 35oC
with water
Instructions for use
- Immerse the welding rod in the BORAX container so as to ensure that the rod is covered with the appropriate quantity needed for welding.
- Place the rod at the welding point and heat using a blow torch.
Degreasing - Cleaning
- Dissolve 40 grams BORAX in 1 liter clean lukewarm water.
- Use the solution for cleaning and degreasing the metallic surface.
It is advisable to perform a suitability test for each application.